Each of our SUSTAIN Lipstick shades is named after the earth or land in one of the 4,000 Indigenous languages. Our packaging is comprised of biodegradable vegetable ink and other naturally, sustainably sourced ingredients.
Askîhk- A plummy rose. Askîhk (AHS-KEE-HIK) is the word for the term “on the land” in the Nehiyawewin or Plains Cree language.
Makoc- An oxblood red. Makoc (MAK-KOH-CHAY) is the word for land in Lakota.
Nuna- A taupe neutral with a hint of pink. Nuna (NU-NA) is the word for land in Inuktitut.
Haki- A vibrant electric pink. Haki (HA-KEE) is the word for land or earth in the Lenape language.
Aki- A classic blue-red. Aki (AH-KEE) is the Anishinaabe or Ojibwe language word for land or earth.
Kéyah- A peachy neutral rose. Kéyah (KAY-YAH) means land or earth in Dine Bizaad or Navajo Language.
Aina- A bright, vibrant coral pink. Aina (EYE-NAH) is the word for land or earth in the language of the Hawaiian Islands.
Ooxor- A classic 90’s brown. Ooxor (O-HOR) is taken from the term for “land” or “earth” in the language of the TONGVA people.